Exercise and bugs
I've started an 'exercise regime'...
Well, I've started walking UP the stairs at work as well as down them! But, to be fair, I do work on the 9th floor. My potential maximum 'ups' and 'downs' is 4 of each per day and I'm managing at least 3 most days. I do have to stop on the 6th floor to 'look at the view'/'get my keys out'/'pretend I'm waiting for someone'/etc when the real reason is to ensure that I'm not wheezing like a ruptured bagpipe by the time I get back to the office!
I've not died yet, but I'm not sure whether my eyes are supposed to be crossed like that, or feel like there's an elephant sat on my chest, by the time I get back to my desk.
The views are worth it though, I can see two of Wiltshire's White Horses from the stairwell (from Cherhill near Calne over on the extreme left to Westbury over on the right), although I'm less impressed by what looks suspiciously like a dead cockroach in the unbrushed bit of the stairs...A slighty more interesting beetle was in the loading bay at the bottom of the stairs. I'd not seen one before so I thought it was a foreign import that had come in on a pallet, but then I spotted it in a magazine - the cockchafer beetle, mine was specifically the garden chafer variety. The general chorus when I pointed it out to colleagues was, 'I bet it does!', as it's about an inch long and has seemingly spikey legs, but it's a vegetarian. It's more commonly called the May bug and only lives for a few weeks in April and May. So, there you are, exercise AND education! I'm off for a lie down...
Labels: cockchafer, exercise, insects, may bug, white horses, wiltshire
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