Monday, September 28, 2009


All blogs seem to have to have a list on them somewhere, so here's a list of books I've read in the last 12 months:

1. E H Gombrich "A Little History of the World"
2. J K Galbriath "The Great Crash: 1929"
3. Dorothy Hartley "Food in England" (re-read)
4. Roy Lewis "Evolution Man"
5. P J O'Rourke "Republican Party Reptile"
6. Agatha Christie "Death on the Nile" (re-read whilst cruising down the Nile)
7. Mark Twain "Innocents Abroad"
8. Terry Pratchett "Witches Abroad" (re-read)
9. J K Galbriath "The Affluent Society"
10.Terry Pratchett "Monstrous Regiment"
11.Harriet O'Brien "Queen Emma and the Vikings"
12.Bryan Magee "Clouds of Glory"
13.Terry Pratchett "Reaper Man"
14.Oliver James "The Selfish Capitalist"
15.Nigel Barley "Not a Hazardous Sport"
16.John O'Farrell "An Utterly Impartial History of Britain"
17.Terry Pratchett "Equal Rites"
18.Ben Goldacre "Bad Science"
19.Mark Twain "A Tramp Abroad"
20.Phil Thornton "Casuals" (re-read)
21.Terry Pratchett "Thud"
22.Bill Naughton "On the Pig's Back"
23.Colin MacInnes "Absolute Beginners"
24.Jack Rosenthal "By Jack Rosenthal"
25.Elizabeth von Arnim "Elizabeth and her German Garden"
26."The Best of Granta Travel [Writing]" re-read

Only 5 Pratchetts? Oh dear, must do better in the next 12 months!

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