Media Tart...
Well, we're in the local papers. I thought the only way I'd get into the local press was by murdering a student (it's come close on occasions) but I was overwhelmed by the response when I emailed a 'press release' to 4 local papers. I spent Monday fielding calls and doing mini interviews over the ‘phone. Our photo done on the top of a wheelie bin looks quite good in the papers, don't ya think? (See the 'Bad Hair Day' post below for details)
In true journalistic style, some of the things I said seem to read completely differently once they appear in print. That will teach me to answer the question 'Why are you doing this?' with the throw-away comment 'Mid-life crisis' - the Bath Chronicle's piece is headed COUPLE'S 'MID-LIFE CRISIS' WILL TAKE THEM ON RIDE ACROSS INDIA! We were in fits of giggles reading it at work before the paper had been published - Emma suggested that when we return we get t-shirts printed saying 'crisis over' and send a photo to the Chron. But we were really impressed with the article once we saw it in print; it was a half-page colour spread with colour photo! The Chippenham Gazette & Herald's piece was much kinder (but smaller and in black & white). I think the nicest was in the Chippenham News.
We've collected over £1,100 now, but if you've not donated already your cash would be much appreciated. The minimum donation via the website is only £2.00 - so why not donate rather than sending us an Xmas card?
By ticking 'Gift Aid' your donation works almost one third harder, as the charity can reclaim tax of 28% on each donation. So far they've recouped an extra £95 on donations via the website and will be able to reclaim over £220 on the money we've raised 'off line' - meaning that you've actually helped us raise almost £1500 so far! But we want MORE, MORE , MORE! (trails off into demonic laughter...)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
New and Improved...
On Friday we opened the newly refurbished Library and Learning Resource Centre. The old one, for those who hadn't had the pleasure of visiting it, had remained undecorated since the 1970s when the building had been put up. So, the carpet was brown, the shelves were brown and the walls were of unpainted brown brick. Even the lights had gone brown over the years - so the whole impression was slightly pit-like and distinctly unwelcoming.
We've had the walls painted (it took 6 weeks and the College painters aren't speaking to us now!), new white shelving put in, the lighting renewed and a lovely new carpet - much more student friendly and an environment you actually want to stay in now.
Not one to miss a trick, I put out the collection tin and sponsorship forms and raised a further £70.00 for the trek!Bev