Sunday, June 03, 2012

Good Day/Bad Day

At about 4.15 each afternoon Steve Lamacq (Radio 6) gets a listener to nominate two tracks - one if it's a good day and one if it's a bad day. He then rings them to find out what kind of day they're having and plays the track they nominate.

Well, despite an slightly inauspicious start (i.e. it's weeing down out there so the house if full of damp washing, but then it's a bank holiday weekend so what did we expect?) I think it might end up being a good day. It's the Folk Festival this weekend, so the town is full of people with bells on and funny hats, and our local pub has got a beer festival on. So I think we'll be walking into town to partake of some jollity (yes, I'm spelling that b.e.e.r. Hopefully Mr H's won't have more than half a pint of the Russian Stoat (9.0%) this time, as he's rather heavy to carry home! [Oooo, I'm going to be in trouble for that quip when he reads this in 3 months' time!]).

We have had some sun recently though, which has allowed me to get out the garden chair cushions that I made about 2 years ago! Remember the old sofa-bed we disposed of in 2009? Well, I kept the foam mattress, bought some 'gardeny' fabric and made four bench cushions from it, and very nice they look too, even if I do say so myself. And they're much thicker than commercially bought bench cushions, which is a blessing when you're getting old and knackered!

Oh, and someone's just asked if they can use one of my photos in an architecture textbook. Even if it never comes to anything, it's nice to be asked.

So Steve, in keeping with the general theme of the jubilee bank holiday, I think I'll warble along to Handel's 'Zadok the Priest' please.

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