Thursday, May 27, 2010

1936 Cord 'Beverley'

I've posted before about the excellent naming choices of some car and bike manufacturers for their new vehicles. Obviously, there's something about this name that signifies taste, elegance and modernity, unlike other names like... oh I don't know... I'll just pluck one out of the air... perhaps 'Jonathan'.

Well, here's another one - from Ford this time. Let's hope that it doesn't remain a 'concept' for too long as I don't think the British public should be denied a car with such an illustrious moniker.

Although, even I have to admit, that this name can't compete with Mazda's 'Bongo Friendee' (also sold as the Ford 'Freda'). But that risks tipping the post over into one about camper vans, so I should probably end it there!
