Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More Funerals

We've had two deaths in the space of a week. Jon's paternal Gran died in the early hours of Sunday 20th March and my Mum died at lunchtime on Saturday 26th. It was very sad to see Gran, who was always more akin to a force of nature, deteriorate over the past month or so, but she made it into her mid-90s - my Mum passing at 73 was rather more of a shock. Well, not an immediate shock, because we knew it was happening but in our families we just expect the women to live longer than that!

Mum had ovarian cancer 5 years ago and it came back very agressively during last year. After spending 8 weeks in The Christie Hospital in Manchester receiving excellent care and treatment, they found that the cancer wasn't responding to the chemo. So she had 4 weeks at home being looked after by my Dad and some lovely carers and District Nurses.

So, Gran's funeral is on Friday and Mum's is next Tuesday.

If anyone who knew Mum would like to donate to the Christie Hospital memorial fund, you'll find it here

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Fun 12

We've had a little run of seeing comedians recently: Dr Phil Hammond a couple of weeks ago and, on Sunday, we went to see Punt and Dennis in Bath. They were as fabbie as ever and I was ever so chuffed when they did one of my favourite routines in the 2nd half although, as it's nearly 25 years old, I'm not sure it counts as 'topical' comedy!

And this is it...one of their early things (from when they were on Jasper Carrott's show in the mid-'80s) which we still giggle about at home when I'm using wine in cooking. Chefs always say that, if you're using wine in food, you should use the wine you're going to serve with it. Our reaction - Bollocks! If anyone thinks I'm putting six+ quid's worth of wine into a scalding hot frying pan they're seriously unhinged. Jon doesn't approve of me using any alcohol in cooking, not on religious or ethical grounds, it's just less for him to drink; so his reaction is always the same as Hugh Dennis's wine correspondent, "You poured it on a fissshhh? You POURED it on a FISSSSHHHH?! I'm gonna come round there and suck your fisssshhhh."

I'll be as sick as a dog in the morning...

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