Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Yes, I've been cleaning records again and this time it's a cult club classic from the northwest, Ellie Warren's 'Shattered Glass' from 1980 - isn't that just the most 80s cover you've seen? Apparently it was re-done in the late '80s by Stock,Aitken and Waterman but I don't remember that, just the early version that we used to dance to at The Turnkey in Wigan and Henry Africa's in Standish, which sadly didn't break through to be a national hit.

Ah, the memories - girls with shoulder pads, big hair and blazers with fake yachting club badges (hang on, hasn't that all just come back into vogue?) and boys with moustaches (those who could grow them), jumpers tucked in their trousers and permed mullets. Ugh, not one of our finest sartorial moments, but at least it wasn't the 70s!

I wouldn't be surprised if I'm at the back of the photo of Henry's on here... oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

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